Bodywork and Movement Therapy
Eliminate pain, Restore Mobility, Cultivate Longevity
Structural Bodywork
Eliminate pain, remove restrictions, and get to the root of your issues
18 years experience in advanced massage and bodywork. I read the patterns in your body to find and eliminate the source of the problem, and keep it from coming back. Specializing in chronic pain, mis-alignments, and injury rehabilitation.
Therapeutic Movement
Speed your recovery, eliminate pain, and discover new possibilities
Take control of your own healing with individually tailored exercises. Based on assessments of you standing, walking, working, and moving, learn to re-pattern yourself and redistribute stress through your body.
Natural Movement
Cultivate self-healing, relaxed power, and increased vitality
Distilled from over 30 years of experience in traditional and internal martial arts, and over 18 years of experience performing bodywork, I will share with you the best practices and methods I have found, and help you avoid the many pitfalls on the way.